Definition from the International Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia is a neurologically-based, often familial, disorder which interferes with the acquisition and processing of language. Varying in degrees of severity, it is manifested by difficulties in receptive and expressive language, including phonological processing, in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and sometimes in arithmetic.
Dyslexia is not the result of lack of motivation, sensory impairment, inadequate instructional or environmental opportunities, or other limiting conditions, but may occur together with these conditions.
Although dyslexia is lifelong, individuals with dyslexia frequently respond successfully to timely and appropriate intervention.
Famous People with Dyslexia
Tom Cruise - Steven Spielberg - Robin Williams - Channing Tatum - Beethoven - Cher - Leonardo Da Vinci - Pablo Picasso - Charles Schulz - Tommy Hilfiger - Agatha Christie - Mark Twain - Magic Johnson - Pete Rose - Mohammad Ali - Richard Branson - Winston Churchill - Dwight D. Eisenhower - John F. Kennedy - Alexander Graham Bell - Albert Einstein - Henry Ford - and many many more...
Careers that take advantage of dyslexic strengths
There are many successful adults with dyslexia working in all professions, however the following are a few which many dyslexic adults truly excel in.
Areas of Strength
A brain difference which causes difficulty with phonological learning, most significantly resulting in difficulty with learning to read and spell. The same brain difference also causes distinct strengths in creativity, engineering, entrepreneurial skills and/or athleticism.
Dyslexia is different for everyone. Some people have a mild form and can learn to compensate by using their strengths. Others have a more severe form of Dyslexia and will struggle immensely if they don't receive specialized help. The Barton Reading and spelling System is an excellent tool that will help dyslexics to become fluent readers and proficient spellers setting them up for success.
Dyslexia brings about many challenges, especially in the classroom, however dyslexia is also the root of many strengths and talents. It is imperative that a young dyslexic is given the opportunity to discover and develop these strengths so that they are able to see and feel their own potential and are not constantly feeling like they don't measure up to those around them.
In Preschool
In Elementary School
History of the above symptoms plus:
In High School
History of the above symptoms plus:
In Adults
Educational history similar to above, plus: